Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Progress on Fairville!

My partner Fey has taken it upon herself to not let me be a slug. She's given me an ultimatum of no less than 1000 words per day (not much, if I can get myself to the computer). Anyhow, thanks to her dauntless efforts, I have now broken the 25K mark on Fairville. Since your average women's fiction novel is about 90K, that puts me almost 30% of the way there. AND I'm having fun with it. (Ghost story, chick story, set in a reasonable facscimile of the parish where I grew up--who wouldn't have fun?)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Snow is my friend

Since this pile of white mush decided to cover my state, I have gotten several thousand words written on Fairville, sent out one partial, and sent two more queries on All the Back Roads Home.

I've also eaten half a large mushroom and onion pan pizza (no cheese, please), five breadsticks, and goodness knows how much of Fey's cranberry double-chocolate sweet bread.

So. January brings succes and weight gain. I can live with that.

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, Same Gig.

There is nothing like sending out query letters to turn a confident woman into a bundle of nerves. I'm always sure I could have done it better, written it smarter--oh, GAWD, did I forget the attachment? Was I supposed to include an attachment? Did I spell my own name right?

'Tis true, dear Reader, that I proofread these queries before I send them out.

Just like Aunt Mildred turns off the stove before leaving on vacation, then worries for the first 500 miles that she forgot to.

Well, writing is not for the weak of mind or spirit.