Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Coming in from the Rain

It's been over a month since I've posted. I've been going through some really rough times with the writing--mainly the negative self-talk that results in sleeping on the couch while the Disney Channel drones in the background instead of being creative. I haven't been getting much written, but I now know the theme songs to both Hannah Montana and Phineas and Ferb. Yay!

In the past few days, though, I've managed to start writing again seriously. A friend suggested I submit a story to the latest issue of Marion Zimmer Bradley's Sword and Sorceress, and I discovered that I actually still enjoy writing short stories. I've got 3000 solid words on my story so far, and I actually think I can get it done in time.

I also found a WONDERFUL site called Archetype Writing. This is one of the best resources I've found in a while, especially when it comes to dealing with my writers block and depression.

So, my friends, I have been down, but I am not out. Allons-y!

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